10.1 Australia's international merchandise trade statistics are important economic statistics which serve a variety of needs. They are extensively used in their own right to measure the value and quantity of Australia's exports and imports of goods, and they are key inputs to the balance of payments, Australian national accounts and producer and international trade price indexes.
10.2 A large number of Australian Government Departments and Authorities and private sector clients use international merchandise trade statistics. Some of these users regularly subscribe to releases of international merchandise trade statistics. A key user is DFAT who also produce a range of spreadsheets, publications and fact sheets about Australia's international merchandise trade. The ABS also supplies data to international organisations such as the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD), the OECD and the International Monetary Fund (IMF).
10.3 To assist and encourage informed decision making the ABS provides open access to statistics available from the ABS website. The date when statistics will be released is also announced in advance.
10.4 This section will describe the dissemination of international merchandise trade statistics. It will detail the release practices used, the revisions policy, the data available free on the ABS website and how it can be accessed, as well as other ways to access these statistics.